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Chakra Flow: Hatha Yoga & Intuitive Movement
man. 24. feb.
Embark on an 8-week journey of self-discovery through yoga and intuitive movement at Kosha Yoga Shala Porsgrunn. Dive into the chakra system, find body freedom, and reduce stress. Join us for deep relaxation and themed classes based on the seven chakras.
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24. feb. 2025, 19:00 – 20:30
Stridsklev, Safirvegen 50, 3931 Porsgrunn, Norway
Om arrangementet
Embark on an 8-week journey of hatha yoga and intuitive movement at Kosha Yoga Shala Porsgrunn. Dive into the chakra system, find body freedom, and reduce stress. Join us for deep relaxation and themed classes based on the seven chakras.
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